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Recent Works

2012 - 2013

"Bloom to the Future"

"Bloom to the Future"

『未来へ咲け』 50F/oil on canvas, Japanese paper/2014

"The Wind of the Forest"

"The Wind of the Forest"

『森の風』 49.5×29cm/wood, linen, Japanese paper, oil/2014

"Draw my Future"

"Draw my Future"

『みらい描く』 22×34.5/wood, Japanese paper, oil/2014/prirvate collection

"Walk around"

"Walk around"

『巡り歩く』 18.5×18.5cm/wood, linen, japanese peper, oil/2014/private collection

"be jolted by the scales"

"be jolted by the scales"

『音階に揺られて』 30.2×25.5cm/wood, linen, Japanese paper, oil/2014/private collection

"Launch out"

"Launch out"

『はばたく』 20×27cm/wood, linen, japanese paper, oil/2014/private collection

"Make a side trip for richness"

"Make a side trip for richness"

『ゆたかな寄り道』 14.5×28cm/wood, linen, Japanese paper, oil/2014/private collection

"Common consciousness"

"Common consciousness"

『共通意識』 40×25.5cm/wood, Japanese paper, oil/2014

"The child of the Universe"

"The child of the Universe"

『宇宙の子』 32.5×28cm/wood, Japanese paper, oil/2014

"The moon in hiding"

"The moon in hiding"

『隠れた月』 24×28cm/wood, Japanese paper, oil/2014

"The intelligence"

"The intelligence"

『知性』 24×32cm/wood, Japanese paper, wooden mosaic, oil/2014/private collection

"The Festival"

"The Festival"

『おまつり』 10×15cm/wooden mosaic, Japanese paper, oil/2014/private collection

"Weave my mind"

"Weave my mind"

『こころ織る』 6F/oil on canvas/2014/private collection

"The messenger from Heaven"

"The messenger from Heaven"

『天の使い』 8F/oil on canvas/2014/private collection

"Pile up Joy"

"Pile up Joy"

『よろこびかさねる』 8F/oil on canvas/2014/private collection

"The prism of joy"

"The prism of joy"

『よろこびプリズム』 41×27cm/oil on glass/2014/private collection

"The time capsule"

"The time capsule"

『タイムカプセル』 oil, Japanese paper, glass/2014/

"A route Ⅲ"

"A route Ⅲ"

『ある経路Ⅲ』 29.5×9.7cm/wood, linen, japanese paper, beeswax, oil/2014

"A monologue"

"A monologue"

『ひとりごと』 24.6×9cm /wood, linen, japanese paper, beeswax, oil/2014

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