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Past Works

2004 - 2008

"A Stratified Structure"

"A Stratified Structure"

『重層構造』 10F/oil on canvas/2008/private collection

"Light of the Origin"

"Light of the Origin"

『原初の光』 10F /oil on canvas/2008/private collection

"Dream of Children"

"Dream of Children"

『少年達の夢』 8F/oil on canvas/2008/private collection

"Toward one's whisper"

"Toward one's whisper"

『ささやきのほうへ』 10F/oil on canvas/2008/private collection

"Play with Children"

"Play with Children"

『こどもとあそぶ』 4F/oil on canvas/2008/private collection

"A Cheerful Soul"

"A Cheerful Soul"

『朗らかな魂』 8F/oil on canvas/2008/private collection



oil on wood/2008/private collection



oil on wood/2008/private collection



『解放』 F40/oil on canvas/2008

"Comical Dance"

"Comical Dance"

『ひょうきんな踊り』 oil on canvas/2008/private collection

"A Seed"

"A Seed"

『種』 oil on wood/2008/private collection

"A Peculiar Soul"

"A Peculiar Soul"

『風変わりな魂』 15×10cm/oil on wood/2008/private collection

"Blow of Spring"

"Blow of Spring"

『春の吹く』 12×18cm/oil on wood/2008/private collection

"An Outpouring of Life"

"An Outpouring of Life"

『ほとばしる生命』 15×10cm/oil on wood/2007/private collection

"Form of a prayer"

"Form of a prayer"

『祈りのかたち』 10×15cm/oil on wood/2007/private collection

"Blue Flower"

"Blue Flower"

『青い華』 oil on wood/2008/private collection

"The Gate of Life Force"

"The Gate of Life Force"

『衆妙の門』 14.5×10cm/oil on wood/2007/private collection

"Our Source"

"Our Source"

『我々の源』 oil on wood/2008/private collection

The Begining of the Sky and the Land

The Begining of the Sky and the Land

『空と大地の別れ方』 11.5×18.2cm/oil on wood/2007/private collection

"Before being Flower"

"Before being Flower"

『華以前』 8F/oil on canvas/2008/private collection

"The Welling up Life"

"The Welling up Life"

『湧き上がる生命』 10F/oil on canvas/2007/private collection

"A Limpid Abyss"

"A Limpid Abyss"

『澄んだ淵』 6F/oil on canvas/2007/private collection

"Keep Thinking in Patience"

"Keep Thinking in Patience"

『辛抱強く考え続ける』 6F/oil on canvas/2007/private collection

"Enjoy Being Alone"

"Enjoy Being Alone"

『孤独を楽しむ』 6F/oil on canvas/2007/private collection



『思慮深さ』 3F/oil on canvas/2007/private collection

"Narration of Silence"

"Narration of Silence"

『沈黙の語る』 6F/oil on canvas/2007/private collection



『高貴さ』 F8/oil on canvas/2007/private collection

"Tell Humbly"

"Tell Humbly"

『謙虚に語る』 14.5×10cm/oil on wood/2007/private collection

"An Impulse from Darkness"

"An Impulse from Darkness"

『闇の衝動』 12F/oil on canvas/2007

"The Flowers on the Border"

"The Flowers on the Border"

『境界の華』 6F/oil on canvas/2007/private collection

"The Core of the Soul"

"The Core of the Soul"

『魂の核心』 20F/gouache on paper/2006/Gallery Sudoh

"Your Heart"

"Your Heart"

『あなたのこころ』 20F/gouache on paper/2006/private collection

"A Bird"

"A Bird"

『ある鳥』 watercolor on paper/2005/private collection

"The Day Which will be Born"

"The Day Which will be Born"

『うまれ出でようとしている日』 100F/gouache on paper/2004

"Figure of the Mind"

"Figure of the Mind"

『こころ模様』 100F/gouache on paper/2004

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